AP Exams
Advanced Placement (AP)
Advanced Placement (AP) tests are annual examinations that take place in May and are designed to test curriculum from AP courses. They typically include a multiple-choice section and an FRQ section.
AP exams begin on May 1, 2024. Please be aware of your date and time of exam. If your exam is scheduled at 8:00 am you must be in front of your testing location by 7:45 am.
NOTE: Morning Exams begin at 8 am NOT 8:30 am
You must bring:
- Student ID (You will not be allowed in the testing room without an ID)
- Non-mechanical No. 2 pencils (with erasers) and black or blue pen.
- You may bring a clear water bottle and a snack into the testing room in a clear bag
You are NOT allowed to bring to the exam:
- Backpacks are not allowed, so leave them in your locker or classroom.
- Cellphones, tablets, smartwatches, or personal data assistants
North Hollywood High School plans to offer nearly 27 AP tests in-person for the 2023-24 school year. You can listen to the recording and follow the steps to join and register for an AP exam. The deadline to register for AP exams is November 15, 2023. Late registration is allowed but will incur an additional $40 late fee per exam.
- Go toAP Classroom, sign in, and use a unique six-digit code to join your class section online. Your teacher will provide you with this join code, and if you are taking multiple AP courses, you will need to enter each code individually. If you’re only taking an exam without taking the corresponding course, the process will be the same, but you’ll get the join code from the AP coordinator at the College Center.
- Check your course information to ensure that you have joined the correct course. Your class section should list your teacher's name and the name of the class you are enrolled in. You will be prompted to answer whether or not you intend to take the test. Please click the yellow registration button to indicate that you want to take the test.
- The price of an AP exam is $97, with an exception for AP Seminar and Research exams which cost $145.WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THAT THIS YEAR 2023-2024 THE DISTRICT WILL COVER AP EXAM FEES for ALL STUDENTS TAKING ANY AP EXAM. However, you must still register by November 15, 2023 to secure an exam. If you register late or decide to cancel the exam after the deadline, a $40 late/cancellation/unused fee per exam will apply. Please decide carefully with this in mind.
- Through AP Classroom, please confirm that the status of your test is accurate. If there are issues with incorrect information appearing on your account with regards to the status of your test-taking, please contact the College Center as soon as possible at 1-888-225-5427.
For more information on the registration process, you can visit the College Board website at this link: https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/access-your-ap-resources/join-your-class-online